Label API2

The Label API allows you to add, modify and remove labels in your system. Furthermore you can label your assets or remove labels from the asset. The following methods are available: Get all labels ; Get one label ; Add or update a label ; Remove a label ; Add labels to an asset ; Remove labels from an asset ; Get label of asset ; Get asset of label ; Search for label(s).

Get all labels


Method name Returns
getall Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
label_id ID of the label 1
label_text Text of the label itself pictures
label_path Path of the label, each level is separated with a “/” pictures/color

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output


Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Get one label


Method name Returns
getlabel Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
label_id ID of the label String yes 108 or as a list 108,109

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
label_id ID of the label 1
label_text Text of the label itself pictures
label_path Path of the label, each level is separated with a “/” pictures/color

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output


Outout format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Add or update a label


Method name Returns
setlabel Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
label_id ID of the label (Provide an label ID if you want to update the label, else DON’T pass any value and the label will be added!) String no 108
label_text Text of the label String yes pictures
label_parent The parent label to nest the label String no 107

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Status of operation Label updated successfully
label_id The label id. If you create a new label, the ID of the label, else the ID you’re passing 1110008

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Label added successfully","label_id":"1110008"]}

Remove a label


Method name Returns
remove Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
label_id ID(s) of the label to remove String yes 108 or as a list 108,109

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0
message Status of operation Label(s) removed

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Label(s) removed"]}

Add labels to an asset


Method name Returns
setassetlabel Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
label_id ID of the label String yes 108 or a list of IDs 108,109
asset_id ID of the asset String yes 129844
asset_type Type of asset String yes img = images vid = videos aud = audios doc = documents folder = folders collection = collection
append If set to true it will append to existing labels, else set to false to overwrite String no true (default) false (all labels will be replaced with these ones)

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Status of operation Label(s) added

REST: Sample Request

{["responsecode":"0","message":"label has been assed to the asset successfully"]}

Remove labels from an asset


Method name Returns
removeassetlabel Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
label_id ID(s) of the label to remove String yes 108 or as a list 108,109
asset_id ID of the asset String yes 1989

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Status of operation Label(s) removed

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Label(s) has been removed from the asset successfully]} 

Get label of asset

Returns all labels of an asset.


Method name Returns
getlabelofasset Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
asset_id ID of the asset String yes 108 or as a list 108,109
asset_type Type of asset to query String yes img = images doc = documents vid = videos aud = audios folder = folders collection = collections

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
label_id ID of the label 1
label_text Text of the label itself pictures
label_path Path of the label, each level is separated with a “/” pictures/color

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output


Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Get asset of label

Returns all assets with the given label_id.


Method name Returns
getassetoflabel Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
label_id Label ID String yes 108
label_type From which label type to return records String no assets (default) folders collections

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Columns Different columns see sample output

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

 23 2012 19:12:55","March, 26 2012

Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Search for label(s)

Availability : This API method is available in release 1.6.2 and above


Method name Returns
searchlabel Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
searchfor Label(s) to search for String yes pictures
overridemax The search limits the # of records returned to 1000. If you wish to return all records you can use this parameter to override the limit e.g. &overridemax=1. Doing so may use up server resources so caution should be used with large record sets. Numeric no 1

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
label_id ID of the label 1
label_text Text of the label itself pictures
label_path Path of the label, each level is separated with a “/”

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output
